tumba la casa mami
tumba la casa mami
Woah, it's amazing how your style is so... nostalgic, it really sounds like a Sonic song, great job Pauly!
Interesting choice of wording, but I totally get ya. Fact of the matter is, my DAW, Cakewalk Kinetic, IS in fact a 16-bit program. There's just so much to explore and come up with different sounds. But a lot of these here are ones I've used for over a decade at this point. Combined with a happy, adrenaline pumping beat to make it sound Sonic style.
I'm so glad you like it! Thank you so much!
very chill, i love this!
thanks :))
Many thanks! That means a lot, I work hard on these so it means so much
megalovania vibez
Cool ambient music! I think it's a bit repetitive, but i like it so much! Keep working ;)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it, I'm definitely going to remember about developing the melody more in the next ones :3
this is the best song ever
Oh I dunno about that. It's definitely no FDA (original creator of the original beat) but it was worth trying XD.
Many thanks!
Hi there! I am Getsaa.
COO @ Cubitos Team, Creative Director at AGORI Studios
For professional contact: contact@getsaa.xyz
Music Producer
Joined on 11/10/17